Business Coach
Each intern has a Business Coach assigned to work directly with him or her. Volunteering as a business coach is a unique opportunity for a lasting mentorship relationship. Business Coaches are encouraged to attend the monthly training sessions and help teach lessons on professionalism and career readiness. Also, a Business Coach will shop for professional clothes with the student, and take him or her out to lunch at least once during their internship placement.
Guest Speaker
We are always looking for guest speakers to discuss topics that they are passionate and knowledgeable about sharing. Please let us know if you have an hour to speak about money management, interviewing, professionalism, life skills, choosing a university, nutrition, and more! Each Saturday training is a new opportunity to expand a student’s worldview and learn something new.
One of our most significant obstacles with our interns is transportation. Our Saturday training sessions and internships in the summer are not possible if students cannot access it. Join our transportation team to help meet a tangible and vital for the Interns4Tomorrow program to succeed.
Food Services
If you have the gift of hospitality, we would love to have you provide breakfast or lunch for our intern training in the spring or money management retreat in the fall. Our students learn best when they are fed great meals during our program, and we are incredibly grateful for generous volunteers who provide home-cooked meals or delicious pizza!
Business Sponsorship
Each summer, business sponsors are needed to provide internships for our interns. Businesses donate $ 1,500 to host an intern for three weeks (Monday-Thursday) at their company. Kidz2Leaders pays the intern, puts the money into a savings account for them based on each hour worked, and provides clothing and transportation for the internship. In some cases, businesses are willing to accept an intern but do not have the funds, so donations towards sponsorship fees are also appreciated.
For more information about Volunteering with Interns4Tomorrow, contact Amy Bowling, Leadership Programs Manager.