We recently had the opportunity to hear from Corelle Hill, one of our Kidz2Leaders program Alumni! She shared about recent accomplishment of graduating from Georgia State University with her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management, the impact of Kidz2Leaders in her life, and her hopes for the future. We’re excited to share her story with you in her own words…
“I’m very close with my family. When I was a child, my dad was incarcerated. My mom did her best to take care of us. She showed me what it means to keep going with hard circumstances. I remember one day she told us we were going to camp! My dad had heard about Camp Hope and signed us up. Once we entered the program, it was life changing. We had a lot of support.
After I completed the camp leadership program, I went on to be a part of Kidz2Leaders’ Interns4Tomorrow program. That was the start of my professional journey. It gave me real-world work experience and impacted my outlook on life. That was also when I met my business coach, Melissa Davis.
I’ve always been very driven in school. My parents instilled great values in me, and I’ve always known striving to do your best was important. But the decision to go to college was confusing in some ways. As a first-generation college student, I didn’t know what to look for on school tours or what to major in. Melissa Davis was there for me from the beginning. She got me my first laptop. She also suggested that I major in business management.
I learned so much from my program! Getting my degree was an accomplishment, and I’m glad to know I’ll be able to support my younger siblings as they pursue their education. As I look to the future, I hope to establish my career within a reputable company with a great work environment. I want somewhere I can grow and develop professionally and make connections. I’m definitely interested in furthering my education one day. And I hope to be a role model for someone coming behind me, just like the people who impacted me when I was young.
I’m so thankful to have had Kidz2Leaders in my life. If the mission of this organization resonates with you, I would encourage you to get involved, to donate, and to pass the message along! We all need a community to lean on—that’s what this organization has been for me, and I believe it will impact your life too.”
We are so proud of Corelle, both in her accomplishments and her character. It’s been a privilege to be part of her story and we continue to cheer her on in her next steps in life as part of the K2L alumni community!